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Guarantees and coverage of Multisport

Find out what the 24hassistance policy covers for all sports!

Here you will find information regarding:

Download the information set to find out all the conditions of Multisport insurance in detail.

Civil liability for personal injury to third parties

RC Multisport insurance ensures coverage for damage caused to third parties. The guarantee has a ceiling of €500,000.

Civil liability for damage to third party property

RC Multisport insurance ensures coverage for damage caused to third-party property. The guarantee provides for a ceiling of €50,000 and is activated only in the event of damage, even to people.

Refund of subscriptions, lessons, rentals of sports equipment not used due to injury

The company will reimburse any subscriptions, lessons, rental of sports equipment that may not be used due to an accident/injury within the limit of €1,000.

Search, rescue and rescue costs

The company will bear the ordinary costs of rescue and rescue, even by helicopter if it should be necessary due to the serious health conditions of the insured, if the insured has been declared missing or following an accident/accident within the limits of the maximum of €25,000.

What number can I contact to request a refund?

You can contact our claims management company. Find all the contacts here.

Emergency medical expenses

The Company will bear the emergency medical expenses incurred in the immediate event of the accident/accident, within the limit of €1,500.00.

Does it also cover additional rehabilitation and physiotherapy costs?

No, rehabilitation and physiotherapy are not included in the expenses incurred in the immediate event of the accident/injury. The Company will bear the emergency medical expenses incurred in the immediate event of the accident/accident, within the limit of €1,500.00.

Companion during the hospitalization

If the insured person's accident is such as to require hospitalization in a health facility, the company will bear the travel expenses (round trip) of the accompanying person to the hospitalization facility if the hospitalization lasts for at least 7 days .

Medical return

If the insured person is declared fit for travel, according to the doctors' opinion, the return journey will be organized (train, ambulance, scheduled plane or private medical plane). The guarantee is activated only if you have already benefited from the "emergency medical expenses" guarantee.

Return of travel companions

The company will organize the return journey at its own expense for the members of the group traveling with the insured, provided they are guaranteed by the same insurance, if they are no longer able to return to their residence with the means of transport initially envisaged.

Legal protection

The Company will assume, at its own expense, within the limit of €1,500, the burden of judicial and extrajudicial expenses (expenses for the intervention of a lawyer, expert expenses, court costs in the trial and any expenses of the counterparty's lawyer).

Criminal bail advance

The company will pay on the spot, as an advance on behalf of the insured, the criminal bail if the insured is arrested or threatened with arrest following an infringement of the laws of the foreign country in which he is located, within the limit of 5,000 €. The sum must be repaid within one month of the company's request for reimbursement.

Body transport

In the event of the insured's death, the company will organize transport and the compulsory services at its own expense to the burial place closest to his residence within the limit of €1,500.

What are the main exclusions

The insurance does not in any case cover accidents and injuries caused or occurring as a result of or on the occasion of: participation, on a professional basis or under a remunerated contract, in official competitions organized by any sports federation including; the training in view of these competitions; high mountain climbing above 6,000 metres, bobsled descent, hunting of dangerous animals, motorized sports (if the extension is not made), air sports (if the extension is not made), skeleton, caving; transport on the lifts including the embarkation and disembarkation phases from the same.

Where is the Multisport policy valid?

If you are resident in Italy, Multisport is valid all over the world. Otherwise it is valid only on Italian territory.

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